Fuji Spray

Cleaning Your HVLP Spray Gun

Cleaning your HVLP Spray Gun is as easy as 1-2-3.

At Fuji Spray we receive numerous calls on a daily basis from our customers with simple questions and issues associated to their HVLP spray guns. Most of them are easily solved with simple step by step instruction on the proper way of cleaning their HVLP spray gun.

90% of these issues are simply missed steps; maintenance they may have not known about or even thought about performing.

Therefore a decision to make a “How To” video and step by step easy to read and follow instructions on the proper steps and procedures in cleaning your HVLP spray gun was a must.

Below is a link to our Cleaning Video as well as a PDF format for print. (The PDF version as well as the link to the video will also be available on your Technical FAQ page at https://www.fujispray.com/faq)

Cleaning your HVLP Spray Gun PDFpdficon

Fuji Spray Gun Cleaning Video youtube_logo2


Remember that almost all of the issues associated to any HVLP spray gun can be connected to a blockage in the pressure tube or a simple cleaning issue that was missed or performed incorrectly.

No matter which Fuji HVLP spray gun you are using the steps to fixing these problems are simple and effortless.

 Fuji Cleaning Tips:

  1. Always remember to clean your spray gun after your spray. It is never recommended to leave liquids in the cup over night or for an extended length of time. Cleaning will help you achieve perfect atomization.
  2. You should also perform regular maintenance on your spray gun in order to maintain its peak performance.
    • Simple daily maintenance (Steps 1-10 in the attached document) once you are done spraying for the day.
    • Thorough cleaning (disassembly and assembly of the spray gun) weekly or when you are ready to store your spray gun for an extended period of time.

If you follow these simple cleaning instructions and guidelines you will not only ensure that your spray gun will last a very long time but it will also maintain its incredible performance.

Fuji HVLP Spray Guns are Simple to Use and Easy to Maintain!

Happy Spraying and Happy Cleaning!


Note: If you still have cleaning questions please call our customer care at 1-800-650-0930 or email us at support@fujispray.com

Fuji Spray®

800 Alness Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2H5 1-800-650-0930 support@fujispray.com